Cosa fare a Milano - What to do

Maurizio Cattelan's new exhibition is a story of the cycle of life

Maurizio Cattelan's solo exhibition “Breath Ghosts Blind”, produced by Pirelli HangarBicocca, opens to the public on 15 July. Among the most famous contemporary artists in the world, with his works he reveals the fractures of our daily life, staging reality even in its most dramatic aspects.The exhibition project, which marks the artist's return to the city of Milan after more than ten years, it develops as a three-act dramaturgy. Scanned by the works Breath, Ghosts and Blind, which give the exhibition its title, the narration unfolds between emblematic references of the collective imagination: powerful representations that arouse profound reflections on the most disorienting aspects of contemporaneity and on existential issues, from the meaning of life to 'inevitability of death.

The project

The exhibition project, curated by Roberta Tenconi and Vicente Todolí, is conceived as a narrative in chapters that develops in the spaces of Pirelli HangarBicocca, symbolically representing the cycle of life from creation to death. The title of the exhibition brings together the three works on display, from the new sculpture Breath (2021) to the reconfiguration of the historic intervention with pigeons for the 1997 Venice Biennale, now presented under the title Ghosts (2021), up to the monumental installation produced for the 'Blind opportunity (2021).

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